Title : An
Overview of the Technology-Based Community Training
Programs Conducted by Concepcion Vocational
School in
Sta. Juliana, Capas, Tarlac in Association
with Programme
Researcher : Alvin
L. Yturralde
This study aimed to assess the
technology-based community training programs conducted by CVS in Sta. Juliana,
Capas, Tarlac in association with Programme Margarita.
descriptive method of research was used in this study. Secondary data such as
results of the assessment and evaluation analysis were used to support the
Results of the study revealed that
among the 18 participants who took the national assessment in Food Salting,
Curing and Smoking leading to Food Processing NC II, 18 were found competent. Also,
100% or 18 of those who took the assessment in Prepare and Cook Hot Meals
leading to Commercial Cooking NC II passed. In Small Ruminants Raising leading
to Animal Production NC II, 17 took the national assessment and 16 were
On the content of the training
programs, findings revealed that competencies acquired by the participants
include safety practices, measurements, sanitary issues, preparation of raw
materials, punctuality and time consciousness.
The analyzed results of the course
evaluation revealed that the training programs conducted were generally
excellent in terms of the delivery of lessons and the knowledge and abilities
of the trainers to train the participants.
Based on the findings, it is concluded
that the training programs conducted by CVS for the trainees of Programme
Margarita were effective in terms of the national assessment, evaluation of the
training and content per program.
of the main functions of Concepcion Vocational School (CVS) is to deliver
quality technical vocational education and training (TVET) thru its regular and
extension programs. To fully meet the practical technology needs of micro
enterprises, different technology-based community training programs are being
offered and conducted for the people mainly in the 3rd District of
delivery of technology-based trainings is thru the use of different techniques
to make sure that each participant understands and acquires the needed skills
for a particular competency or program. To be very clear, people from remote
and nearby barangays are not looking for books and handouts to learn but a
partner that will enable them to sustain themselves and those they care for.
Having enough resources to start a livelihood will be impossible without the
proper skills and abilities to start and sustain it.
properly deliver programs and serve the people of the community, CVS adheres to
its call in providing the people with skills and knowledge needed for a
particular program. The trainers meticulously prepare the materials needed for
the training and provide current knowledge and skills so to make them competent
and pass the assessment.
the national assessment is mandatory to all graduates, whether of regular or
technology-based programs, CVS trainers make sure that all competencies are
mastered by the participants.
Margarita, a non-government organization that is assisting and providing the
needs of aetas in various areas of education and training requested for a
skills training to help non-working mothers of their sponsored children to earn
additional income for their families and improve their communities. Thru this,
CVS and Programme Margarita collaborated to come-up with a program to address
the training needs of the aetas so to make them competent in a particular
competency which can be used as a source of livelihood.
training programs were conducted on Sundays for 40 training hours, exclusive of
the national assessment which required another 8 hours from September 4 to
October 2, 2011.
Objectives of the Study
principal aim in the conduct of this study was to have an overview of the
extension programs conducted by Concepcion Vocational School in Sta. Juliana,
Capas, Tarlac in association with Programme Margarita.
it endeavored to answer the following:
1. How effective are
the extension programs conducted in terms of the national assessment and
evaluation of the training?
What are the
knowledge, skills and attitude acquired by the participants as per content of
the training programs?
Significance of the Study
results of the study provided evident information to the school, specifically
the core trainers to have a basis in the efficient delivery of technology-based
community training programs thru partnership with different organizations. It
also provided ideas to CVS on the importance of linkages with private offices
and individuals in providing quality training to the people.
Limitations of the Study
study was limited to the training programs conducted by the CVS trainers to the
members of the Programme Margarita in Sta. Juliana, Capas, Tarlac on October 2,
2011. The programs offered were Raise Small Ruminants leading to Animal
Production NC II, Hot Kitchen Cook leading to Commercial Cooking NC II and
Process Food by Salting, Curing and Smoking leading to Food Processing NC II.
descriptive method of research was used in this study. This method gave a
general idea on the conduct of the technology-based community training programs
in Sta. Juliana, Capas, Tarlac. It discussed the knowledge, skills and attitude
learned by the trainees in the three training programs: Raise Small Ruminants
leading to Animal Production NC II, Prepare and Cook Hot Meals leading to
Commercial Cooking NC II and Process Food by Salting, Curing and Smoking leading
to Food Processing NC II.
the effectiveness of these training programs was discussed as revealed in the
results of the national assessment.
Discussion of Findings
section presents the discussion of findings based on the analyzed data. It talks about the effectiveness of the CVS
technology-based community training programs conducted in Sta. Juliana, Capas,
Tarlac in terms of the national assessment and the knowledge, skills and
attitude learned by the participants as per content of the training programs.
the effectiveness of the training programs in terms of the national assessment,
results revealed that all 18 participants who took the national assessment in
Salting, Curing and Smoking were found competent. In Prepare and Cook Hot
Meals, 100% or 18 also passed the national assessment. Among the 17 who were
assessed in Small Ruminants Raising, 16 were found competent.
results proved that the technology-based community training programs conducted
by CVS were effective in terms of the national assessment since the prescribed
passing rate for the national assessment was met with 98%. This assured that the necessary knowledge,
skills and attitude were given to the participants that made them competent.
it comes to the acquired competencies of the participants as per content of the
training program vis-à-vis the results of the assessment, it showed that the
participants were able to attain the following competencies per training
Food Salting, Curing and Smoking leading to
Food Processing NC II
KSA Acquired:
- Safety practices
- Measurements
- Sanitary food handling practices
- Preparing equipment, tools, materials and utensils
- Preparing the raw materials
- Preparing salting and curing solutions and mixtures
- Curing the materials
- Finishing the cured materials
- Preparing production report
- Punctuality and time consciousness
Prepare and Cook Hot Meals leading to
Commercial Cooking NC II
KSA Acquired:
- Safety practices
- Measurements
- Sanitary food handling practices
- Preparing equipment, tools, materials and utensils
- Cleaning and maintaining kitchen premises
- Selecting, preparing and cooking meat
- Preparing stocks, sauces and soups
- Preparing and cooking poultry and game and seafood
- Presenting foodstuffs
- Punctuality and time consciousness
Small Ruminants Raining leading to Animal
Production NC II
KSA Acquired:
- Safety practices
- Mathematics and mensuration
- Using tools and equipment
- Selecting and managing breeder goats and sheep
- Managing does/ewes and their progenies
- Providing feed and implementing feeding practices
- Implementing herd health program
- Maintaining and analyzing records
- Punctuality and time consciousness
above-mentioned knowledge, skills and attitude components of each training
program made the participants competent in the training program they attended.
From the course evaluation analysis, it showed that the training programs
conducted were generally excellent in terms of the delivery of lessons and the
knowledge and abilities of the trainers to train the participants.
from the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. 98% of
the participants to the programs conducted by CVS passed the national
2. The
knowledge, skills and attitude acquired by the participants include safety
practices, measurements, and sanitary issues, preparation of raw materials,
punctuality and time consciousness.
3. The
analysis of course evaluation showed that the training programs conducted were
rated excellent by the participants.
following recommendations are hereby forwarded:
1. CVS must
consider offering other training programs to other communities to help in the
development of skills to the people.
2. There
must be a continuous evaluation of trainings to address issues that will
improve the delivery and content of programs.
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