Title : Comparative Analysis between Competencies of CVS Curriculum
in Commercial Cooking NC II and Job Requirements for Cooks in
Food Industries
in Commercial Cooking NC II and Job Requirements for Cooks in
Food Industries
Researcher : Lerma P. Llorente
CVS - October 2011
The study was conducted to find out comparative analysis between
competencies of CVS Curriculum in Commercial Cooking NC II and job requirements
for cooks in food industries.
The study utilized the
descriptive narrative method of research the use of questionnaires. Interview
and documentary analysis were use in determining the graduate performance in
the National Certificate II in Commercial Cooking. Fifteen employed graduates
from Concepcion Vocational School and twenty five managers and supervisors from
food industries were involved in this study. Statistical tools such as
frequency counts, percentage, mean, rank and t- test were used to describe and
interpret the findings.
Results revealed that both industry and the absorbed graduates believed
that CVS curriculum developed the trainees skills, knowledge and attitude that
makes them employable and in demand. They agreed that the competencies
contained by the CVS Curriculum were excellent.
CC NC II graduates have a 100% passing percentage, majority are casual status
of appointment. Most employers needs cooks, bus boys and kitchen helpers, while
bakers were least to employ. Food industries
needs more than 20 cooks, bus boys and kitchen helpers while on the other
hand, one needs 5 bakers, while majority
do not need chefs. They prioritize to
hire those graduates with skills in food preparation; skills in food service
and the least priority to hire are bakers. Majority of the employers accepts
applicants even without NC II in CC because of the contractual and casual
nature of appointment. Only 5 employers prefer applicants with NC Certificate.
On a follow up interview, applicants with NC Certificate are their priority to
absorbed, even if it is not a requirement by food industries. Among the 15
respondents, 8 were assigned in the food service division, 3 in the food
preparation division (kitchen), 3 cashiering section and 1 in the stockroom
which represents the least number of respondents. CVS graduates are fully
prepared and qualified.
the competencies acquired by the graduate employees from the program were
relevant to what the industry requires them to possess.
Their possession of Commercial
Cooking National Certificate Level II shows that they can really performed the
competencies enumerated in the curriculum which make them in demand and
employer were guaranteed of their productivity, right knowledge, skills and
attitude in performing the job, easily absorbed.
The Commercial Cooking NC II
graduates believed that their qualifications in relation to their employment
and the perspective of employers about the qualification of the absorbed
graduates both strongly agreed that: graduates
a. passed the assessment which makes
them employable
b. possess the right knowledge, skills and attitude in performing the job
c. with NC II Certificate in
Commercial Cooking are in demand
d. with DTS experience minimize the
cost of training
e. easily absorbed by food industry because of the quality training
f. with DTS experience developed according to company’s needs
g. with industry experience guaranteed highly skilled and productive worker
Trainers strongly agreed that Concepcion Vocational School Commercial
Cooking NC II curriculum is very effective in terms of skills development of
the graduates. On a follow-up interview with the respondents regarding
competencies or personal attributes the students should possess, the managers
and supervisors suggested that graduates should develop their self confidence,
values formation and improve their personality and punctuality.
Based from the findings, it may be concluded the competencies contained
by the CVS Curriculum was excellent because of their passing percentage of
100%. The respondent’s status of appointment is due to global crisis we are
experiencing at the moment and the employer needs was based on the scope of
their business. Majority of the
managers do not require holder of National Certificate because of the fast
turnover of manpower requirements but applicant with NC Certificate are their
priority .The respondents work assignments was due to the scope of work and
manpower requirement of the food industry. CVS graduates are fully prepared and
qualified in their performance in the industry because of the acquired the
skills in CVS Curriculum in Commercial Cooking NC II. All the competencies
acquired by the graduate’s employees from the program were relevant to what the
industry requires them to possess because training regulation was developed by
the industry experts. There are several qualities contributory to the
employment of the graduates such as holder of NC II and their DTS experience,
possessing these qualities, graduates are guaranteed them of landing a stable
job. The trainers strongly agreed that Concepcion Vocational School Commercial
Cooking NC II curriculum is very effective in terms of skills development of
the graduates. The passing percentage of 100% in the National Assessment in
Commercial Cooking NC The respondents agreed that competencies or personal
attributes the students should possess suggested that graduates should develop
their self confidence, values formation and improve their personality and
To ensure relevance of the CVS curriculum to industries manpower
requirement it is recommended the continuous review of CVS Commercial Cooking
NC II curriculum in order to relate it to the current Training Regulations if
there are improvements made. Trainers should not only focus on teaching the
knowledge and skills but also strengthen the teaching of values formation, self
confidence and improvement of punctuality to prepare them in their DTS. Strengthen the teachers capability by attending
seminars and conferences to continuously produce globally competitive CVS
graduates The industrial coordinator should continue the linkage, partnership
and networking with different stakeholders and coordinate more closely the CVS
Commercial Cooking NC II curriculum to match their manpower requirements.
Periodic assessment of the DTS implementation should be monitored in order to
properly addressed problems and issues affecting the program.
To assure the provision of quality technical vocational education and
training, TESDA UTPRAS requires for the registration of training program before
it can be offered to the public. One of the critical aspects of this
registration is the Curriculum. The Curriculum contains the competencies
students should acquire for a job qualification.
One of the registered programs of Concepcion Vocational School is a With
Training Regulation (WTR) in Commercial Cooking NC II. The program
qualification was granted Certificate of registration in February 2009. From
April 2009 to December 2010, CVS was able to graduate 11 batches of Commercial
Cooking NC II, with a total of 284 graduates.
To ensure the Curriculum relevance of CVS Commercial Cooking NC II to
job requirements of cooks and related workers in the food industries, a
research study shall be conducted to assure relevance and responsiveness of the
curriculum to the job market requirements.
This undertaking is a joint effort with AST Jollibee Group of Companies
headed by Mr. Joselito Espino, Group Manager.
Statement of the Problem
The study aims to answer the following questions:
1. What are the competencies contained by CVS Commercial Cooking NC II
2. What are the qualification requirements for cooks and related work
needed by local food industries?
3. Is there relevance on the competencies acquired from Commercial Cooking
NC II in CVS to the qualification requirements of the food industries?
4. Is there a significant difference between qualification requirements of
food industry and the acquired competency qualifications of students?
5. What are the perspectives of Commercial Cooking NC II graduates about
their qualifications in relation to their employment?
6. What are the perspectives of the employers about the qualifications of
the absorbed graduates in relation to their employment?
7. Is there a significant difference between the perspective of Commercial
Cooking NC II graduates and managers?
1. This study intends to test at .05 level of significance that: There is
significant relationship on the competencies in Commercial Cooking NC II
Curriculum and qualification requirements of local industries
Significance of the Study
This study shall provide feedback on the competencies desired for a job
occupation as cook or other related tasks in the food industry. Results of the
study may also provide additional inputs on how to improve further CVS
curriculum for commercial cooking.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The study shall be limited to the graduates in Commercial Cooking NC II
from April 2009 to December 2010 who are employed in food industries within the
proximity of Concepcion Vocational School service area, Concepcion and
Pampanga, and their employers for accessibility.
The study shall focus on the competencies acquired buy the CVS
Commercial Cooking NC II students and the required competencies of the job of
cooks in the food industries.
Definition of Term:
1. Commercial Cooking NC II. This is
the course students take to acquire the competencies for cooks qualification.
2. Competency-Based Curriculum. This
refers to all the competencies students must undergo in a curriculum.
3. Competency. This refers to
the knowledge, skills and attitude required in the performance of an
4. In-School Training . This refers the
training conducted in school.
5. In-industry Training. This refers to the training of the students in
6. Industry Partner. This refers to an establishment with existing
agreement with CVS as training partner.
7. Trainer. This refers to the instructor
in-charge of the training.
8. Qualification. This refers to the acquired skills, knowledge,
skills and attitudes that enable a student to qualify for a job.
9. Training Institution. This refers to
the institution where education and training takes place like Concepcion
Vocational School.
Acronyms used in the study:
CC – Commercial
CVS – Concepcion
Vocational School
DTS – Dual
Training System
NC II – National
TVET – Technical
Vocational Education and Training
WTR – With
Training Regulation
Research Method
This research study shall use
the descriptive narrative method utilizing survey questionnaire checklist to
determine whether there is significant relevance between competency
qualifications acquired by Concepcion Vocational school Commercial Cooking NC
II students and competency requirements for cooks and other related workers by
food industries.
The questionnaires will be administered to graduates of CVS Commercial
Cooking NC II and the managers of the food industries in the locality employing
the graduates to determine their preferences /decisions for qualifications in
hiring their workers.
Sources of Data
The study shall be conducted to the food industry partner institutions
of Concepcion Vocational School and other establishments employing the
Commercial Cooking NC II graduates from Concepcion Vocational school.
Respondents are graduates in Commercial Cooking NC II, their trainer,
the managers and supervisors of food industries.
Data Gathering Instrument
The researcher
shall use the following instrument in the conduct of the study.
1. Survey Questionnaire – checklist of competencies shall be administered
to group of graduates, the trainer, the employers and supervisors.
2. Interview – shall be conducted to managers, supervisors, trainers and
3. Observation – shall be conducted to observe work performed by cooks and
other related workers in food industries to confirm tasks performed in their
4. Documentary analysis of the Concepcion Vocational School Commercial
Cooking NC II curriculum and ledger of students performance on their jobs.
Data Gathering Procedure:
Letter of request to administer the survey questionnaire and conduct of
interview shall be sent to industry partners of CVS and other food
establishments in our service area.
Statistical Treatment
The data collected were treated statistically using arithmetic mean,
percentage and correlation. Likert scale
was also used in order to describe properly the perception of the respondents.
To determine relationship and influence of one factor to other variables,
Pearson Product moment Correlation was used.
Numerical Rating Descriptive
Rating Range
4 - VR Very
Relevant 3.50
- 4.00
3 - R Relevant 2.50
- 3.49
2 - SR Slightly
Relevant 1.50 - 2.49
1 - NR Not
Relevant 1.00 -
Numerical Rating Descriptive
Rating Range
4 - SA Strongly
Agree 3.50
- 4.00
3 - A Agree 2.50 -
2 - D Disagree
1.50 - 2.49
1 - SD Strongly
Disagree 1.00
- 1.49
Numerical Rating Descriptive
Rating Range
5 - FP Fully
Prepared 4.50 - 5.49
4 - QP Quite
Prepared 3.50 - 4.49
3 - NP Not
very prepared 2.50 - 3.49
2 - NAP Not
at all prepared 1.50
- 2.49
1 - DK Don’t
Know 1.00 - 1.49
Numerical Rating Descriptive
Rating Range
5 - E
Excellent 4.50 -
4 - VG Very
Good 3.50 -
3 - G Good 2.50 -
2 - F
Fair 1.50 -
1 - P Poor 1.00 -
Numerical Rating Descriptive Rating Range
4 - MQ Most
Qualified 3.50 -
3 - Q Qualified 2.50 –
2 - LQ Least
Qualified 1.50 –
1 - NQ Not
Qualified 1.00 -
Numerical Rating Descriptive
Rating Range
4 - D Different 3.50 -
3 - SD Slightly
Different 2.50
– 3.49
2 - SS Slightly
the Same 1.50 –
1 - TS The
Same 1.00 -
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
This chapter presents the data
gathered, as well as the analysis and interpretation of the results. The data
are presented in different tables and discussed accordingly.
1. Majority of the respondents agreed that competencies contained by the
CVS Curriculum was excellent maybe because
it was based and patterned with the Training Regulations and the
Competency Based Curriculum developed by
experts in the food industry sector.
2. Graduates from 2009 - 2010 in Commercial Cooking NC II took the
mandatory assessment in Commercial Cooking NC II with a passing percentage of
100%. With this excellent performance, it is an indication that the graduates
learned and possessed the right knowledge and skills in performing the task and
the trainer were capable in teaching the competencies covered in Commercial
Cooking NC II with consideration of their educational attainment and their
training attendance.
3. There is no significant difference between the perspective of Commercial
Cooking NC II graduates about their qualifications in relation to their
employment and the perspective of employers about the qualification of the
absorbed graduates because both of strongly agreed that : Graduates
passed the
assessment makes them employable
possess the right
knowledge, skills and attitude in performing the job
with NC II
Certificate in Commercial Cooking are in
with DTS
experience minimize the cost of training
Graduates easily
absorbed by food industry because of the quality training
with DTS
experience developed according to company’s needs
with industry
experience guaranteed highly skilled and productive worker
4. The trainers strongly agreed that Concepcion Vocational School
Commercial Cooking NC II curriculum is very effective in terms of skills
development of the graduates. The passing percentage of 100% in the National
Assessment in Commercial Cooking NC is a clear manifestation of the
effectiveness of its curriculum, content of which was patterned from the
Training Regulations developed by the experts from industry involved in this
trade area.
5. The respondents agreed that competencies or personal attributes the
students should possess suggested that graduates should develop their self
confidence, values formation and improve their personality and punctuality.
The following recommendations are hereby forwarded.
1. The school administrator should initiate the continuous review of CVS
Commercial Cooking NC II curriculum in order to relate it to the current Training Regulations if there are some
improvements made.
2. Trainers should not only focus on teaching the knowledge and skills but
also strengthen the teaching of values formation, self confidence and
improvement of punctuality to prepare them in their DTS program implemented by
TESDA. In addition, trainers should strengthen their capability by attending
seminars and conferences to continuously produce globally competitive CVS
graduates and maintain the passing percentage of 100%.
3. The industrial coordinator should continue the linkage, partnership and
networking with different stakeholders and coordinate more closely the CVS
Commercial Cooking NC II curriculum to match their manpower requirements.
4. Periodic assessment of the DTS implementation should be monitored in
order to properly addressed problems and issues affecting the program.
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