Screening starts May 2, 2013.

An Assessment of the Competency-Based Learning Material (CBLM) in Work in a Team Environment (Apr2013)


Title              :         An Assessment of the Competency-Based Learning Material (CBLM) in
 Work in a Team Environment

Researcher     :         Alvin L. Yturralde

This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the Competency-Based Learning Material in Work in a Team Environment (WTE), a basic competency, and the different perceptions and insights of the students on its usefulness.

The descriptive-survey method of research was used in this study. A survey questionnaire will be distributed to student-respondents for them to answer. Data that were collected from the questionnaires were interpreted using percentage, Likert scale and measures of central tendency including the mean.

Results of the study revealed most of the respondents were male and were within the age bracket of 17-18 years.

The trainee-respondents agreed that the CBLM’s design and layout was satisfactory and that it was easy to use and the procedures were easy to follow. With regard to the presentation of information and content, they have the same opinion that its contents reflected current knowledge.

Also, the trainees encountered problems in using the CBLM such as time allotment for each learning outcome (LO) or topic. Having this as a problem, they suggested that the trainer should explain the topics thoroughly if the time for each LO cannot be extended.

Generally, the trainee-respondents believed that all the lessons found in the CBLM were very important except for “Conflict Management” which was rated “important”. This means that none of the topics was suggested to be deleted but rather include lessons on values which they think necessary.

Based on the findings, it is concluded that the CBLM in Work in a Team Environment was implemented and utilized effectively as observed by the students. It suggested a good indication for the continuous use of the CBLM to give support to the trainer in developing within each trainee the right character, values and attitude to become a well-disciplined TVET graduate.

The development of instructional materials is a vital factor in the teaching-learning situation.  Also, the availability of these materials can spell the difference between a successful and effective teaching from that of students who fail to grasp each lesson.

Instructional materials are highly important for teaching, especially for inexperienced teachers. Teachers rely on instructional materials in every aspect of teaching. They need materials for background information on the subject they are teaching. Young teachers usually have not built up their expertise whenever they enter into the field.

Teachers often use instructional materials for lesson planning.  These materials are also needed by teachers to assess the knowledge of their students. Teachers often assess students by assigning tasks, creating projects, and administering exams. Instructional materials are essential for all of these activities.

Many years ago, educators paid little attention on the importance of developing instructional materials. One of the reasons might be the availability of books, magazines and other written materials that can be easily accessed by both the teachers and students. Sometimes, it comes to a point wherein the teaching-learning situation will be based only on the contents of books and the sequence of these contents. The learning needs and ability and the level of comprehension of students are not given emphasis.

Instructional materials are those used to aid in the transference of information from one to another. For example, a teacher may use instructional materials to aid in the learning of subject matter for a class. These instructional materials could include: power point presentations, books, articles and materials for project development.

The list can go on and on. Some call them instructional materials, while others may call them learning or teaching aids.

The development of learning materials is normally recognized as a costly, complex, and lengthy process, often producing materials that are of low quality and difficult to adapt and maintain. It has always been a challenge to identify proper learning materials that can be used at a reasonable cost and effort so it would be beneficial both to the school and the end-users, the students.

The significance of developing instructional materials which are patterned on the competencies that has to be acquired by the students is not realized. We should not take into consideration the learning that they would obtain if we give them other opportunities to use materials that the trainers develop by themselves. By doing so, we do not just let them grasp the topics that we present to them every day but we also provide them up-to-date knowledge and information from the learning materials that we develop.

Trainers should not be tangled-up with the practices that they are used to but it is more important to equip themselves with the knowledge and skills in developing their own teaching/learning materials.

These materials play an important role more particularly in the technical-vocational education and training because of the adoption of the competency-based training (CBT) mode of instruction.

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) is now facing the challenge in the Philippine Educational System in general and in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in particular to enhance the competitiveness of the Filipino workers by addressing the workplace demands and needs not just in skills development but also in areas such as communication, safety, mathematics, and values improvement. To turn this into reality, TESDA trainers must take into consideration these learning that should be acquired by each trainee to make them qualify for future jobs. One way of doing this is devising learning materials that will surely pattern the needs not just of students but of future employers of TVET graduates.

Objectives of the Study

The primary aim in the conduct of this study was the evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of the Competency-Based Learning Material in Work in a Team Environment, a basic competency, and the different perceptions and insights of the students on the usefulness of the said material.

Concepcion Vocational School (CVS) started developing and using Competency-Based Learning Materials (CBLMs) as a component of the CBT approach and to address problems of students on the use of learning materials aside from what can be found in the library. Having said this, CBLMs developed by CVS trainers should meet the changing needs of the students and the curriculum by improving, modifying and revising them, and the CBLM in Work in a Team Environment is not an exemption.

Specifically, it ventured to answer the following:

1.    How effective is the implementation and usability of the CBLM in Work in a Team Environment as observed by the students?
2.    What are the problems encountered by the students in using the CBLM in Work in a Team Environment?
3.    What are the possible solutions to these problems?
4.    How significant are the topics/lessons illustrated in the CBLM as perceived by the students?
5.    What are the topics/lessons that should be included in the content of the CBLM as recommended by the students?

Significance of the Study

The results of the study provided evident information to the school to have a basis in the revision and/or modification of the CBLM in Work in a Team Environment. This gave the trainer substantial details on topics that need to be supplemented and improved for the better conduct of instruction and to increase the level of competence of the students more specifically in the knowledge and attitude aspects.

Limitations of the Study

This study was conducted in Concepcion Vocational School and was bordered on evaluating the content, significance and effectiveness of the CBLM in Work in a Team Environment.

This included the in-school students in the four qualifications offered in CVS namely Food Processing NC II, Commercial Cooking NC II, Animal Production NC II, and Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II for the School Year 2010-2011. Only 82 or sixty percent (60%) of the 136 students enrolled were randomly selected to be the respondents.


CBLM - Competency-Based Learning Material
CBT - Competency-Based Training
CVS - Concepcion Vocational School
LO - Learning Outcome
NC II - National Certificate Level II
TESDA - Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
TVET - Technical-Vocational Education and Training
WTE - Work in a Team Environment


The descriptive-survey method of research was used in this study. This method came across the effectiveness of the implementation and usability of the CBLM in WTE, the problems encountered by the students in the use of the CBLM, the possible solutions to these problems, the significance of topics/lessons illustrated in the content as perceived by the students and the recommended topics/lessons to be included in the CBLM.

A survey questionnaire was developed by the researcher and was distributed to student-respondents for them to answer.

Data that were collected from the questionnaires were interpreted using percentage, frequency count, mean, and Likert or 4-point scale.

For the Likert Scale, the following will be used:

Weighted Average (WA)               Descriptive Rating (DR)
3.50 - 4.00                                 Outstanding (O)
                                                Never a Problem (NP)
                                                Much Agree (MA)
                                                Very Important (VI)

2.50 - 3.49                                 Satisfactory (S)
                                                Rarely a Problem (RP)
                                                Agree (A)
                                                Important (I)

1.50 - 2.49                                 Poor (P)
                                                Sometimes a Problem (SP)
                                                Fairly Agree (FA)
                                                Less Important (LI)

1.00 - 1.49                                 Needs Improvement (NI)
                                                Always a Problem (AP)
                                                Not Agree (NA)
                                                Not Important (NI)


Based from the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1.    The design and layout of the CBLM was rated satisfactory (3.48) by the respondents. All the respondents agreed that the CBLM was easy to use and the procedures and steps were easy to follow. On the presentation of information and content, the CBLM was generally rated satisfactory with a mean of 3.49 and that the content reflected current knowledge.
2.    The biggest problem encountered by the trainee-respondents in using the CBLM was “not enough time allotted for each lesson/topic/learning outcome”.
3.    All the trainee-respondents suggested explaining each activity thoroughly for them to understand better.
4.    All the topics illustrated in the CBLM were rated Very Important by the respondents except for “Conflict Management” which was “Important”.
5.    The suggested topics that should be included in the CBLM were focused more on values.


The following recommendations are hereby forwarded:

1.    CVS administration should consider the enhancement of its learning materials not only in Work in a Team Environment.
2.    All CVS faculty must conduct the same study to identify areas in the CBLMs that need development.
3.    The trainer in Work in a Team Environment must come-up with an improved CBLM based on the finding of this study.

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