Screening starts May 2, 2013.



The study utilized the survey approach precisely the descriptive method. The said approach is use as much as the principal rationale of the study was to figure out situations under such factors that mostly affect the performance of EIM NC II students as viewed by their trainers. Students from EIM NC II were asked to fill up a questionnaire. In order to determine the factors that affect student performance, the quantitative research technique were used particularly the Bar/Pie chart scale.

A survey questionnaire was prepared for EIM NC II students. This instrument was used to determine the factors that mostly affect student’s performance as viewed by their trainers. The survey questionnaire is composed of two sections. The introductory section of it, includes basic questions used to identify the profile of the student respondents. The second section of the survey questionnaire addresses the statements and questions under each factors mostly encountered by the students. The questionnaire is consist of 18 items as indicators. Student respondents are asked to indicate their most appropriate rating for each item. There are 60 respondents taken from EIM NC II students.

As to age, most of the EIM NC II students’ respondents belong to the age bracket of 14-15 years 32 or 53% of the total respondents. Male respondents have dominated female respondents which accounts for 57 or 95% of the total respondents. This data is being considered in the study undertaken.

Objectives of the Study
         The main objectives of the study are to:
1.    Determine the factors affecting the EIM NC II students’ performance as viewed by their trainers

2.    Analyze the effect of these factors on EIM NC II students’ achievements.


         There are different tools to gather data and method to be used to come-up with an effective output and achieve the main objective of this study.
Descriptive Method. Is the most appropriate method use. The descriptive method of research is a fact-findings study with adequate interpretation of the findings.  It describes what Research Method is. The researcher visits the Concepcion Vocational School Library to read/ find relevant information, and through the internet.

         Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:
1.    Majority of the student respondents belongs to the age-bracket of 17 to 18 years old which is 32 or 53% of the total respondents.
2.    Most of the student respondents are male 57 or 95% of the total respondents
3.    Sweating excessively in the physiological overarousal factor got the highest weighted percentage of 16.67%.
4.    Talking with yourself while performing a task in the worry and dread factor got the highest weighted percentage of 25%.
5.    Experiencing going blank or freezing confusions in the cognitive/behavioral factor got the highest weighted percentage of 20%.
6.    Feels depressed in the emotional factor got the highest weighted percentage of 11.67%.
7.    Worry and dread factor got the over-all highest weighted percentage of 40.74%.

                  On the basis of findings and conclusions taken from the study, the following recommendations are given for consideration.
1.    The students should:
·       Be Prepared- study in advance
·       Be Organized- organized that material to be tested
·       Develop good testing skills
·       Stay Focused- concentrate on the test not on the other students
·       Relax- removed any outside pressure
·       Re-frame Thinking- think “I can do it”
·       Stay Calm
·       Visualize Success
2.    The trainers should maintain their good relationship with their students.
The trainers should be aware of the factors which in return can affect EIM NC II students’ performance.