Screening starts May 2, 2013.

Monday, April 23, 2012

JRL Scholarship Foundation Examination

The Jesus R. Lapus Scholarship Foundation (JRLSF) held the examination in CVS for their scholars wanna-be. Around 600 applicants went to CVS to take their examination. The Congressman of the 3rd District of Tarlac, Hon. Jeci A. Lapus visited the examiners which gave them an inspiration since he is an advocate of education and believes in what our youth can do. He roamed around the CVS premises with smile and excitement with Dr. Virginia B. Bondoc. 

The examination was successfully held through the efforts of the CDO staff and CVS family. Good job CDO and CVS... and congratulations to the future scholars of JRLSF!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Meeting with the Graduating Students of 2012

CVS held its first meeting with the graduating class of 2012 on April 11 at 8:30 am.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Group Discussion

In this photo, CVS students are having a group discussion inside their class. This method lets the students express themselves and share their thoughts regarding the subject matter being discussed.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Enrolment Schedule

Enrolment Schedule:

AP (2nd year) - Apr 17, 2012 (Tue)

CC (2nd year) - Apr 18, 2012 (Wed) [for CC-1A and CC-1B)
FP (2nd year) - Mar 28 to Apr 11, 2012 [for FP-1A and FP-1B)
CC (2nd year) - Apr 30, 2012 (Wed) [for CC-1C)
Incoming Freshmen Students - May 2-25, 2012

Students, please be guided accordingly. For queries, call/visit the Registrar.

Alvin L. Yturralde
0932-8882476 / 9230393